Foot odour

Foot odour also known as Bromodosis, is a condition that causes the feet to smell bad. It can affect anyone and fortunately can be treated quite easily. Keep reading to find out what causes foot odour and how to treat it.

What is Foot Odour?

Foot Odour (Bromodosis) is a common condition when your feet are excessively smelly all the time and all year round. The foot odour can occur even though you may not have been walking or doing exercise and can occur in anyone.

Our bodies have more sweat glands on our feet than anywhere else including our armpits. Foot odour is caused through bacteria that is activated due to the sweating. The bacteria can multiply in your damp skin and the breakdown of the bacteria can cause foot odour.

Causes of Foot Odour

Foot odour is caused by bacteria that grow on the skin of the feet. The bacteria feed on sweat and other secretions on the skin and produce an unpleasant smell. 

Sweating is one of the main factors that can contribute to foot odour. The sweating can be caused by wearing closed-toe shoes that do not allow the feet to breathe, shoes made from synthetic materials, shoes that are too tight and shoes that are worn daily and not left long enough to dry.

Other factors that can contribute to foot odour include poor foot hygiene, fungal infections, changes in hormones, stress and certain medical conditions such as hyperhidrosis, foot ulcers or bacterial infections.

Foot Odour Symptoms

Symptoms of foot odour include:

  • A strong smell
  • Wet or damp feet
  • Excessive sweating
  • Fungal and bacterial infections

Treatments for Foot Odour

There are several ways to treat foot odour, but the most effective method is to have a good foot care routine. Here’s our tips for practising a good foot care routine:

  • Wash your feet daily with soap and water, paying extra attention to the areas between your toes.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly after washing, especially between the toes.
  • Use an antifungal powder or spray on your feet and shoes to help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi.
  • Change your socks daily and look for bamboo or silver socks with antibacterial properties.
  • Regularly rotate your shoes ensuring you wear a different pair every day, letting your shoes have 24 hours to dry out before wearing them again.
  • Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe such as leather, open toe shoes and sandals.
  • Use insoles or inserts in your shoes to absorb moisture and help keep your feet dry.
  • Consider using antiperspirant on your feet to reduce sweating.
  • Keep your nails trimmed and hard skin filed.
  • If you have diabetes, poor circulation or classed as immunocompromised, seek advice from your local podiatrist on further treatment. 

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Michelle Gibson
MSc, BSc, PGCE, MRCoP, Podiatrist
Michelle has over 30 years of experience in the NHS, private practice, and the commercial sector and is driven by her profound passion for podiatry and the wellbeing of our customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will foot odour go away on its own?

Foot odour will not go away on its own and may even get worse if left untreated. It is caused by bacteria and fungus that grow in warm, moist conditions, such as inside shoes. To get rid of foot odour, it is important to practise good foot hygiene.

Should I go to the doctor if I have foot odour?

Foot odour doesn’t necessarily mean you are suffering from a health condition but if you've been struggling with smelly feet for a while and home care has not helped, you should discuss it with a podiatrist.

Is foot odour a symptom of diabetes?

There is no direct relationship between foot odour and diabetes. However, people with diabetes may be more prone to foot odour due to a variety of factors. For example, people with diabetes may have poor circulation and reduced ability to sweat, which can lead to increased sweating and foot odour. Additionally, people with diabetes may have a higher risk of developing fungal infections, such as athlete's foot, which can also cause foot odour. It is important for people with diabetes to regularly check their feet and practise good foot hygiene to prevent foot odour and other foot-related complications.